Theological Formation of Salesians in India with Special Reference to Kristu Jyoti College Bangalore (1967-1976)

Theological Formation of Salesians in India with Special Reference to Kristu Jyoti College Bangalore (1967-1976)

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Theological Formation of Salesians in India with Special Reference to Kristu Jyoti College Bangalore (1967-1976), places the shifting of the Salesian Studentate of Theology from Shillong to Bangalore in its historical perspective. Since setting up their theologate in Shillong in 1938, the Salesia...

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Theological Formation of Salesians in India with Special Reference to Kristu Jyoti College Bangalore (1967-1976), places the shifting of the Salesian Studentate of Theology from Shillong to Bangalore in its historical perspective. Since setting up their theologate in Shillong in 1938, the Salesians were constrained, either by natural calamities or on account of wars, to move out temporarily to safer locations. In 1962, the Indo-Chinese War, yet again forced them out to Kotagiri and eventually led to the decision to construct a Salesian Studentate of Theology for the whole of India at Bangalore. The choice of Bangalore was based on the obvious advantages linked to setting up a studentate in a vibrant and growing metropolis with a mild climate, which was already home to a number of prestigious ecclesiastical institutions. The syllabus of studies as well as the life of the community were so organized as to help those passing out after their studies, to be effectively at the service of the Post-World War II Society and the Post-Vatican II Church, in the pluri-religious and multi-cultural context of India. As was augured, from the very beginning, KJC distinguished itself in reading the signs of the times and responding to them with that degree of creativity and dedication called for in a rapidly evolving society and Church. A team of qualified resident professors and a number of visiting professors, which included members of the various Christian denominations and those of the non-Christian religions, helped the College to realise the hoped for results. The facilities available at the College favoured the holding of international congresses and seminars, like the Second Asian Monastic Congress (14th-22nd October, 1973) and the Inter-Faith Seminar on Prayer (25th-31st August, 1974), and offered both the staff and students opportunities to listen to and interact with some of the many eminent personalities and specialists who came to the College on such occasions. A particularly significant aspect of the formation imparted by the College was that of offering the students the possibility of reaching out to the poor in the surrounding villages and of engaging in youth apostolate in the various parishes in the Archdiocese of Bangalore.